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100% circulaire Event Space en Co-working Spaces voor Nationale-Nederlanden


Nationale-Nederlanden (NN) makes a strong statement with the complete renewal of its office environment in Rotterdam and The Hague in the Netherlands. The fully circular, zero-waste renovation required an unconventional approach, creating an exciting new spatial experience. Fokkema & Partners and Silo joined forces to design an Event Space and four Co-working Spaces that facilitate interaction and immerse users in the world of NN.

Part of a circular transformation

The Event Space and Co-working Spaces are part of the complete renovation of all office floors at the two NN locations. The comprehensive harvest plan for this renovation has resulted in the largest circular 'harvest hall' in the Netherlands. An inspiring reservoir of ideas and a new aesthetic are created by connecting all material flows and enabling manufacturers to contribute their expertise on efficient processing.

For the Event Space and Co-working Spaces, in addition to harvested materials, new innovative materials and products were used that are circular, cleverly designed and have a 'rock 'n roll' factor. Moreover, the materials have been mounted so that everything can be disassembled and reused. In total, the project saved 2,722 tonnes of waste. A circularity of 89% was reached with a 70% reduction in environmental impact (ECI). The targeted WELL Platinum certification was also achieved.

Photography: Lucas van der Wee, Mike Bink

Project partners

Nationale-Nederlanden, Silo, Stevens van Dijck, Royal HaskoningDHV, LBP|Sight, BBA Binnenmilieu, Superuse Studios | Oogstkaart, Spaces4You, Gielissen Interiors, Vepa, JP van Eesteren, Veolia, Living Projects, Powerplant.

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