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De Boetzelaer


This large building is a contemporary interpretation of the late nineteenth century environment and has a lively and contemporary feel. The new facade is inspired by the traditional facade of the demolished buildings. This renovation of the building, together with the newly designed playground, gives a positive impulse to the Staatsliedenbuurt.

The facade is constructed from vertical masonry piers supported by horizontal steel girders. The facade construction leaves just like to see the construction technique, manufacture and assembly of the various elements in the original buildings. French balconies and ventilation grilles are carefully designed steel elements that enliven the facades. The corners and entrances of the building are distinctive and much attention is paid to details of windows, doors, railings, dormer windows, French balconies and grilles.

The Amsterdam Staatsliedenbuurt is a working-class district from around 1900 with many social housing units. The architectural quality of the original buildings often leaves much to be desired, as a result of which many old buildings have been replaced. This new building has been designed for the corner of Boetzelaerplein, Fannius Scholtenstraat and van Hogendorpstraat with 43 new rental homes for the elderly, two commercial spaces on the corners and a parking garage under the building.


Ymere development, client

Birchwood Truss, Constructor

Construction company Van den Hengel, contractor

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