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de Smaragd


On the Insulindeweg next to the Muiderpoort station in Amsterdam, M3H has replaced an important part of an existing block with a new building with different functions. This building contains a parking garage, catering, office spaces and more than 100 houses in various financing categories.

It is an inner-city renewal task with a very high density. The project is located in an architecturally-historically very interesting place, the transition from the buildings of the 19th century in the 2nd Atjehstraat and the buildings from the period ‘20-‘40 on the Insulindeweg. Different time periods and architectural styles come together here. The facades of the Smaragd are designed in such a way that they fit in with this streetscape.

The sculptural nature of the building is enhanced by the raised head on the track, with a large overhang and by the rounded corners. This raised head, together with the buildings on the other side, forms a kind of gateway to the neighbourhood.

During the design phase, the architects consulted a lot with local residents. The execution is done in close cooperation with the contractor in a construction team.


The Alliance Development, client

Adams Bouwadviesbureau, constructor

Coen Hagedoorn Construction, contractor 

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