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Private equity firm EQT commissioned Fokkema & Partners for a complete overhaul of an office villa in Amsterdam. The villa is set along the “Northern Amstel Channel” and includes an enchanting little tea house. With a new design for the interior, the unique characteristics of the residence are highlighted. The top floors which were added in the 1990’s obtained a surprisingly spacious and contemporary open layout. A semi-detached greenhouse was added to expand the informal break out area on the ground floor, with the aim to take optimal advantage of the extraordinary setting. The villa is designed to make people feel at home, especially when working long hours and answering to high performance standards. As a centre piece to the office, the kitchen is outfitted with a custom designed brass kitchen island. Guests receive an equally extraordinary first impression of the interior when facing a brass reception piece. The colourful stained glass dome in the central hall separates the rich and boldly designed ground floors from the more minimalistic grey and white, Scandinavia inspired top floors.

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