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Het Dok, NDSM Amsterdam


A typical Amsterdam assignment of this time. The city is very popular and has a flowering time almost as never before. Large-scale residential buildings are being planned on a large scale throughout the city and areas are being developed. Former industrial estates and port areas are changing in new neighborhoods with a mix of old and new with room for transformation and developments. In the rugged NDSM port area in Amsterdam North, a new residential area is created with a rich variety of shipyards, quays, creative breeding grounds and new residential buildings.

The residential complex Het Dok is one of these new projects. The development of Het Dok went faster than the planning of the surrounding area. The urban development envelope of Het Dok was realized in close consultation with the urban planners of the municipality of Amsterdam. A solid building with a striking silhouette has emerged from this partnership. The building along the Klaprozenweg marks the beginning of the NDSM residential area.

Het Dok contains 449 dwellings in an ensemble of three towers in combination with low-rise buildings. The housing size varies between 40 and 108 m2. A large number of houses is located on the corners of the three towers and has beautiful views to two sides. There are communal roof terraces on the roofs of low-rise buildings. Underground there is a modest parking garage. Most residents are expected to use public transport or the bicycle. The typical Amsterdam phenomenon of bicycle parking is cleverly solved at Het Dok. Three bicycle escalators provide access to the indoor bicycle parking for 1350 bicycles, located on an insertion floor. As a result, the ground floor is completely free for public functions. The more than 150 meters long transparent and open plinth contains a mix of functions, which contributes to a varied and urban street life.

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