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Jan Schaeferbridge


The Jan Schaefer Bridge spans the 200-metre IJ Port of Amsterdam, provides access to Java Island and extends the arterial road that runs from the city center to the water. To provide access to Java Island while keeping the port accessible for inland shipping, a bridge was designed with two sections that could open in order to accommodate Sail Amsterdam – the tall ships show held every five years.

Our custom-designed bridge cuts straight through the heart of the municipal heritage Pakhuis De Zwijger warehouse, a conference center for urban issues. The shape of the bridge generates a multiplicity of experiences. In addition to a monofunctional traffic bridge, it also offers multiple public promenades and bicycle lanes for the local community. An intricate web of connections divides the bridge into separate flows of traffic; the climb and descent on each route has been geared specifically according to the speed or slowness of the relevant mode of transport. 

Bridge number: 2.000

The Jan Schaefer Bridge spans the 200-metre IJ Port of Amsterdam, provides access to Java Island and extends the arterial road that runs from the city center to the water. To provide access to Java Island while keeping the port accessible for inland shipping, a bridge was designed with two sections that could open in order to accommodate Sail Amsterdam – the tall ships show held every five years.

Our custom-designed bridge cuts straight through the heart of the municipal heritage Pakhuis De Zwijger warehouse, a conference center for urban issues. The shape of the bridge generates a multiplicity of experiences. In addition to a monofunctional traffic bridge, it also offers multiple public promenades and bicycle lanes for the local community. An intricate web of connections divides the bridge into separate flows of traffic; the climb and descent on each route has been geared specifically according to the speed or slowness of the relevant mode of transport. 

Bridge number: 2.000

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