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M3H is renovating two of the five blocks of an ensemble on Tugelaweg designed by Leliman in 1915. The five building blocks are part of Berlage's urban development plan for the Transvaalbuurt, designed in 1903. The blocks are among the earliest examples of block-by-block construction, marking the transition from block-by-block development of the 19th and early 20th century to the block-by-block development of the period thereafter.

The new facades are a contemporary translation of Leliman's original facades. The new facades react with rhythm, plasticity and a meshwork of masonry bonds on the environment and the existing buildings. Atelier NL has designed an art application of colored glazed bricks integrated into the masonry, based on the original tile pictures of the existing buildings. Particular attention is paid to the spacious entrance areas and corners of the building, which are specified with recessed masonry. Much attention and care has been given to the detailing and materialization of doors and letterboxes. The detailing is richest where you approach and touch the building.

M3H carried out a programmatic study prior to the design phase. Together with the client and the residents, the program has been determined and positioned in the block. Residents' participation was stimulated during the 'community workshops' and the design principles were discussed with the residents. A total of 157 homes (of which 85 social rent, 33 market rent and 39 owner-occupied homes) and 82 built parking spaces have been built.


Ymere, client

Strackee, contractor

Atelier NL, art

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