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Vrije Universiteit Brussel


The Vrije Universiteit Brussel has the ambition to occupy a leading role in the development of a sustainable, ecological and high-quality future minded campus. This new campus entails a compact cluster of buildings with a variety of functions located alongside the Triomflaan, reinforcing the inherent qualities of the transparent and green campus. The newly built complex comprises 650 student rooms, new auditoria, a council room and cultural infrastructure containing among others a concert hall, a cultural café and an exposition room.

The linear volumes of the new student accommodation will adapt a permanent relation with the urban environment. Its design, part by using pillars, part by withdrawing it slightly, results in a generous, recognizable and highly accessible entrance. On one hand it’s an entrance for the city, her visitors and inhabitants, on the other it’s a gathering spot for students. The project can be regarded as highly functional with a pure and strong architectural identity.

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