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Zeewegterrein IJmuiden


The design for 91 homes on the site of the former Kennemer hospital is located in the immediate vicinity of the center of IJmuiden. The existing park will be maintained and expanded. In addition to a new residential care complex, mainly single-family homes are being built.

The designl for some of the homes will connect both to the new care center and to the existing surrounding neighbourhoods. The houses are oriented towards new car-free courtyards. These intimate, public courtyards have a green character. Parking takes place in the inner area of ​​the closed building block, both in carports adjacent to the backyard and in a parking garage under raised backyards.

There are different types of houses and each type can be optionally expanded with extensions, dormer windows, bay windows and balconies. The houses are designed as cohesive brick blocks with a certain monumentality. The height jumps and open corners of the blocks give the building blocks a sculptural appearance.

Within the cohesion of the building blocks, each individual house can be read through the filling with wooden fronts and wooden slats. Both the masonry and the wooden fillings are executed in a pallet of matching colours, which creates individual variation within the cohesion of the whole. With the accentuated margin strip, the residents are invited to take possession of the sidewalk and the public space.


Synchronous, client

Buro Lubbers, design public space

Chris Zwiers, urban planning advisor

Van Rossum Consulting Engineers Almere, construction consultant

Trebbe Bouw West bv, contractor

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