Geiger Gossen Campbell Engineers, P.C. d.b.a. Geiger Engineers
Established in 1988 by David Geiger and a group of former associates in Geiger Berger, Geiger Engineers has an international reputation for innovative engineering of tensile structures, long-span roof structures, retractable roofs, entertainment and sports facilities, theatrical special structures, mechanisms, and rigging. The firm has invented and developed a number of long-span structural systems renowned for their economy and performance. Geiger Engineers also has expertise in a wide array of structural materials from tensile fabric and aluminum to the more typical construction materials such as steel and concrete.
Clients include owners, architects, building contractors, fabricators, production managers, designers, developers, engineers, & riggers.
Geiger Gossen Campbell Engineers, P.C. d.b.a. Geiger Engineers Projects (0)
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