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Zorgkliniek Emergis te Kloetinge


The new Youth clinic in Kloetinge is the prime example of circularity in the Netherlands. Materials from an existing office in Terneuzen were given a second (or even third) life in the new project! The timber structure, plays an important role in this re-use of material.

Rijkswaterstaat completed its sustainable office in Terneuzen in 2000. Due to the fact that the adjacent sea lock needed to be enlarged, the building had to be demolished in 2015. At the same time, Emergis wanted to renovate its clinic in Kloetinge. At the initiative of the architect, as much material from the Rijkswaterstaat building as possible was used for the new clinic.

Existing Glulam columns and floor beams were used for the new structure. The carefully ‘harvested’ materials were listed and these lists were used in the structural design. When the needed structural capacity of an available member was insufficient, multiple members were combined. 

The new Youth clinic in Kloetinge is the prime example of circularity in the Netherlands. Materials from an existing office in Terneuzen were given a second (or even third) life in the new project! The timber structure, plays an important role in this re-use of material.

Rijkswaterstaat completed its sustainable office in Terneuzen in 2000. Due to the fact that the adjacent sea lock needed to be enlarged, the building had to be demolished in 2015. At the same time, Emergis wanted to renovate its clinic in Kloetinge. At the initiative of the architect, as much material from the Rijkswaterstaat building as possible was used for the new clinic.

Existing Glulam columns and floor beams were used for the new structure. The carefully ‘harvested’ materials were listed and these lists were used in the structural design. When the needed structural capacity of an available member was insufficient, multiple members were combined. 

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