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Kanaalweg 3a (voorheen 2b)


A grade 1 listed building, Kanaalweg 3 a (formerly 2b) was built in 1903 to serve as a laboratory for the Physics and Electrical Engineering faculty. It has become the new home of DUWO Delft and the PhD House. The plan forms part of the developments in the northern section of the TUD campus. The PhD House, which comprises 47 separate units to accommodate PhD students, looks out over the Schie canal. The rear of the building houses the DUWO offices overlooking a new square that will connect the various buildings around it. The entrance consists of a delicately designed breach on the edge of the square.         

A grade 1 listed building, Kanaalweg 3 a (formerly 2b) was built in 1903 to serve as a laboratory for the Physics and Electrical Engineering faculty. It has become the new home of DUWO Delft and the PhD House. The plan forms part of the developments in the northern section of the TUD campus. The PhD House, which comprises 47 separate units to accommodate PhD students, looks out over the Schie canal. The rear of the building houses the DUWO offices overlooking a new square that will connect the various buildings around it. The entrance consists of a delicately designed breach on the edge of the square.         

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