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Spoorzone Dordrecht


In 2040, the railway will no longer form a barrier in the city, but will become a place to stay, a place of connectivity with space for new developments. A city that shows how we can resolve the major challenges of our time. Spoorzone Dordrecht will be the guiding principle for the development of the city in the coming years.

Beautifully situated in the heart of nature found in the Dutch Delta, Dordrecht is a city of innovation, trade, maritime industry and culture. Both the city and the region are growing and are facing major spatial challenges. The vision for Spoorzone Dordrecht (railway zone) outlines a future picture for the city in 2040.

The development assignment of approximately 6,000 homes and facilities will transform the railway into a pleasant destination and connect existing neighbourhoods to new city districts with spectacular green areas. The vision builds on the beauty of the oldest city in Holland, the nature of the Dutch Delta, but also raw elements such as infrastructure, railways and industry.

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