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Co-Creation Centre and Nonohouse


Some of the major challenges that we’re facing include a new methodology for NOx emissions, angry farmers and the postponement of thousands of Dutch projects. In addition to the need for the nitrogen reduction, there is also the “PFAS” problem (carbon-fluorine contamination in soil). The Co-Creation Centre is a collection of various research projects. Together they form a sustainable and innovative glass building at The Green Village, which has served as an event centre since June 2020 and offers space to up to 200 guests.

The Co-Creation Centre forms the heart of The Green Village, where innovation and co-creation help to work towards a sustainable future. The most interesting element of the Co-Creation Centre, or CCC for short, is that it’s essentially a collection of different research projects which are carried out by consortia of scientists from TU Delft and entrepreneurs.

The Co-Creation Center and Nonohouse are part of The Green Village at the TU Delft campus and will be a test bed for new and clean building methods, materials, facades and circulation flows. Local and natural construction methods will be tested, as well as a nitrogen absorbing water-retaining roof with algae that absorb nitrogen.

The building will show the intake of nitrogen using various means, such as moss facades that change colour with the variation in air nitrogen concentration.The first review shows that the Nonohouse will absorb more nitrogen (and also CO2 and particulates) than it will produce. The production of the building materials, the construction itself and the building’s use will be investigated and further developed. As new materials and processes are being tested, the Nonohouse will continue to evolve.

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