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Houtlab' is located along the A59 near Nieuwkuijk/Vlijmen. A sustainable, circular and inspiring production and office space where collaboration is paramount. The building and the materials used form a showroom for visitors in themselves. In addition, there is a production area in the building where wood-related (construction) products such as timber frame construction elements are produced.

The new Houtlab is, as the name suggests, a wooden building. A sustainable, circular and inspiring production and office space where collaboration is paramount. Collaboration with co-makers, trainers and the government, but also with tenants. In addition to Woody Builders itself, the construction company that created Houtlab, and sister company Pvvt, Houtlab also offers housing to parties involved in timber construction and circularity.

Adviesbureau Lüning fulfilled the role of main structural engineer for the new construction of Houtlab.

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