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Woontoren Oostpoort Haarlem


The project includes an apartment building of 10 floors, with approximately 94 apartments in the social rental segment (approximately 7,200 m2 GFA). A covered parking lot of approximately 860 m2 gross floor area will be created next to the building.

The tower is equipped with CLT floors on laminated wooden columns. Stability is guaranteed by a prefabricated concrete core. Thanks to a sophisticated choice of grid, the construction can be constructed virtually without beams: the CLT floors are supported in points. This creates an efficient wooden construction in which pipes can easily be dragged from the ceiling.

Consulting firm Lüning is involved in this project as the main constructor. The project is characterized by a very ambitious planning: there is less than a year between the first meeting of the design team and the realization of the first pile. We realize these ambitions as a result of close collaboration between client, architect, contractor and consultants.

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