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Fine Wines in the Box
Even from a distance, the extension at the impressive, old house in Belgian Namur attracts curious glances. This building actually houses a wine merchant, whose range only includes wines from the southern Rhône, to be more precise, from the Drôme and surrounding areas.
Red ALUCOBOND® panels contrast with the dark anthracite grey tones of the old building. The cuboid volume is mounted on a steel pile structure, and its cladding is attached to a wooden substructure. This system offers, on the one hand, great flexibility and design scope; on the other hand, should the building change its use in future, the structure can be dismantled at any time. The materials used in the interior convey a calm clarity: a concrete floor reminiscent of terrazzo and lime and hemp walls. These walls do not merely provide an attractive background and storage for the exquisite bottles of wine; they also create an optimal insulation regulating humidity – ideal for the fine wines in the salesroom.
Architects: t - architectes Thibaud PARAGE sprl, Namur | Belgium
Construction: Glued on wooden substructure
Product: ALUCOBOND® Red
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