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Change / Housing


Change= is all about creating an inspired learning enviroment for young adults. For a long time, in the Netherlands, too few apartments have been built for young adults who are simultaneously at the beginning of their working and housing career. Even if they have a job, it often takes too long to obtain an independent accommodation in the city that meets reasonable standards.

This unstable living situation can have a significant impact on the lives of these young people, with a negative spiral as a result. It has become an issue with great consequences. Change= was established to serve this group of young adults. Commissioned by Change= OZ has interpreted the ambition to provide a foundation for a successful start and a prosperous future through youth housing, as an integral part of the important chain: Housing, employment, and environment. Change= is pushing for that chain. OZ translated these principles into a highly efficient layout and a striking building which, within the management formula of Change=, uses every possible opportunity to create a “sense of community” for its users.

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