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Jan van Hoof Galerie, 's-Hertogenbosch


The gallery is located on the banks of the river Dommel and offers a grand view on wetlands that still border the old citywalls of 's-Hertogenbosch.

A small concrete pavilion has been added to the Art Deco villa. Both buildings have substantial overhangs, such as obove the new loading dock. Here -with a big window- the internal cross-section of the exhibition pavilion is shown. 

The concrete walls and roofs are casted in situ with white cement. Relatively closed facades provide interior space for monumental works of art. Some windows trow excessive daylight and others serve in a visitor's view on the surrounding nature with the medieval city at the horizon. Vice versa, seen from the city at twilight, the gallery mysteriously lights up in the polder.

Photography: Brigitte van Heck, Sofie van Dam and Jan Derwig

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