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When designing the layout for this primary school, pre-school playground, day-care centre and offices in the city of Bemmel, the point of departure was to integrate the structures with the distinguishing characteristics of the region's landscape. Situated amidst fruit trees, the three buildings form an ensemble, not unlike the various structures of a farm. The buildings, constructed with large roof tiles and wooden shingles, house adventurous spaces boasting large stairs where children can run up and down and sit upon. The tree in the central hall draws daylight through glass facades.         

When designing the layout for this primary school, pre-school playground, day-care centre and offices in the city of Bemmel, the point of departure was to integrate the structures with the distinguishing characteristics of the region's landscape. Situated amidst fruit trees, the three buildings form an ensemble, not unlike the various structures of a farm. The buildings, constructed with large roof tiles and wooden shingles, house adventurous spaces boasting large stairs where children can run up and down and sit upon. The tree in the central hall draws daylight through glass facades.         

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