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Museum de Fundatie

This neoclassical building dating from 1840 originally housed a court. It became a museum only much later. The building has since become too small to be able to properly display its own collection. Architect Hubert-Jan Henket decided to produce a design for the building’s extension that is radically different from the building’s current design. A globe-shaped structure is emerging from the roof. The skeleton of this 33-metre long and 22-metre wide double ellipse is constructed using steel sections. To secure its stability a tension belt will be placed around the structure. Structure Wooden shanks will be installed between the profiles. A double framework with roof covering will be laid on top of this. The entire structure will be finished with wedge-shaped tiles with white glazing. By providing some of the tiles with a light blue accent the structure is designed to soften the transition to the atmosphere. The new structure is supported by steel plate concrete floors that rest on heavy HEB 900 sections that in turn are supported by square steel section columns. These columns are inserted right through the existing building. Holes have been made in the existing floors to accommodate them. The columns ultimately transfer their forces to the substrate via concrete foundation blocks. A tent will be installed during construction to prevent the interior from being damaged by rainwater.

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