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Park Urbana



Park Urbana is a temporary city park on the concrete of Grunsvenplein in front of the Heerlen city theatre. It represents a fruit orchard, one of the typical landscapes of Parkstad. This park is the first symbolic impetus for a greener center of Heerlen and is looking for new connections between the greenery, the city, art and culture.


The park is made up of a grid of tree tubs with different types of fruit trees, delicious hedges and herbs. Between this grid, an alternating 'flower pattern' of wooden pallets is stacked to form a three-dimensional landscape that invites use. In the park you meet friends, read the newspaper, play with your friends and enjoy the sun.


The park was opened and put into use during Cultura Nova, the cultural festival of Heerlen.



IBA Parkstad, Cultura Nova and the Municipality of Heerlen, client

Tree nursery Jos Frijns & Zn, execution

Municipality of Heerlen and Citaverde College Heerlen, maintenance and management

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