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Petronas Towers

The Petronas Towers, with their 452 metre height, are a special landmark of Kuala Lumpur and remain a stunning attraction for visitors from all over the world.
The architect, Cesar Pelli, designed this building in with a vision to incorporate Islamic motifs and symbols in the design process to influence the design and detailing of the building. These towers are not only recognized for their height but also for the integration of Islamic cultural art in the design.
104 concrete piles, with lengths up to 114 metres, provide the buildings with one of the world’s deepest foundations. The world’s highest double decker skybridge, connecting the towers on the 41st and the 42nd floors, provides the two buildings with an stunning attraction which will give visitors an amazing overlook of Kuala Lumpur. It is designed to move independently from the towers to prevent the bridge from breaking as the two towers constantly sway towards and away from each other during high speed winds. This bridge also acts as an emergency exit from one building to another in the event of an emergency in one of the two towers.
The towers feature a façade consisting of no less than 83500 square metres extrusions made of stainless steel, a curtain wall cladding system counting 33000 panels and 55000 square metres of extra thick laminated glass that reduces the heat which would otherwise be generated by harmful UV rays. With a total of 32000 windows. In order to wash each tower just once, it takes window washers an entire month to complete the job.
Along with the nearby Kuala Lumpur Tower, they dominate the skyline of Kuala Lumpur’s Central Business District.
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