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Rabobank Head Office

Rabobank’s executive centre building has been renovated in a highly sustainable way. The new design consists of two 105 meter heigh towers, placed at a slightly different angle, connected with a skin of glass. Originally the Rabobank’s executive centre building consisted of two practically independent towers that were to be connected by just a few walkways. From a structural point of view this did not appear very efficient. A great deal of space would then be lost to the additional necessary stabilizing elements. Constructively it was better to couple both towers across their full height. The two concrete cores could then provide the required stability. This basic principle was adopted by architect Rob Ligtvoet van Kraaijvanger in order to increase the plasticity of the towers.
Rabobank’s executive centre building has been renovated in a highly sustainable way. The new design consists of two 105 meter heigh towers, placed at a slightly different angle, connected with a skin of glass. Originally the Rabobank’s executive centre building consisted of two practically independent towers that were to be connected by just a few walkways. From a structural point of view this did not appear very efficient. A great deal of space would then be lost to the additional necessary stabilizing elements. Constructively it was better to couple both towers across their full height. The two concrete cores could then provide the required stability. This basic principle was adopted by architect Rob Ligtvoet van Kraaijvanger in order to increase the plasticity of the towers.

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