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Villa Andringastate, Marssum


With the steel house in Marssum we give a different interpretation to the concept of barn house. This type often has far too little volume to show the recognizable position of a former (Frisian) farm. We want to maintain a convincing silhouette hence the choice for this one “traditional” articulation: high barn farm with two existing subordinate outbuilding.

In a long straight volume, the main places are organized on two levels. There is a long straight line from driveway to entrance. The entrance is centrally located in the north facade. This makes the building clear and legible and also ensures intimacy even when occupied by four persons. The volume has a footprint of 7.8 x 30 meters (including overhangs).

From the entrance, the house opens to the south. All spaces directly related to the metal facade and the metal roof are visually connected to give the house the feeling of being one big shed. The sleeping quarters on the first floor are an exception to this and are packed in a black brown wooden box.

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